The freedom-loving Libertarian Party has been active 47 years, yet manages to gather only a minuscule percentage of the vote. Many would say this is pathetic. The Republican Freedom Caucus in the House of Representatives heroically saves America from a disastrous re-application of the ObamaCare premise that dictatorship of people's health insurance is government's business ... a rescue effort for which they should be presenting themselves as national champions. Instead they allow themselves to be portrayed as villains. Maybe not pathetic, but a mixed bag. It's not that freedom is no longer considered a value among Americans. It's that modern freedom lovers haven't yet learned how to win fully, completely, without limitation. Liberty lovers achieve only partial victories because we do not have a winning mindset . To achieve complete and lasting victory liberty lovers need to transform their minds and think like winners. To do this we must first train our...
Libertarian Spirit Shared By Everyone