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More Libertarian: Ron Paul, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney?

As much as libertarians like Ron Paul, his attempt to make non-intervention a libertarian and Constitutional imperative is wrong-minded. Nothing could be easier than to soak into consciousness the anti-war sentiment that prevails in America's psychic atmosphere. Nobody likes war. And there are certainly times when non-intervention is the wisest choice among alternatives. But the deepest libertarian imperative is to put an end to the violation of right.

Rudy Giuliani's position on intervention is much more libertarian and logical than Ron Paul's. Show me who started the violation of right? Show me who was the initiator of murder, rape, torture and plunder? Show me the bad guy ... and I'll put him out of business.

To turn away and do nothing in the face of heinous crimes against humanity is neither libertarian nor in any way satisfying to one's spirit of life, love, joy, and freedom. When Saddam Hussein was toppled, all but the most depraved could not help but feel spontaneously joyous.

Now Mayor Giuliani has declared that government is the problem with U.S. Health Care and only free-markets can offer the solution: Health Care: Giuliani addresses the REAL problem and the REAL solution!

Is Rudy Giuliani far more libertarian than he is given credit for? Are libertarians allowing themselves to be washed along in a peer-pressure tide of anti-war sentiment passing over a great chance to support a winning candidate who favors libertarian solutions?

The libertarian preparation device, A Course in Miracles, discusses the laws of mind:

But the argument that underlies the DEFENSE of freedom is perfectly valid. Because it is true, it should not be FOUGHT for, but it SHOULD be sided WITH. Those who are AGAINST freedom believe that its outcome will hurt THEM, which CANNOT be true. But those who are FOR freedom, even if they are misguided in HOW they defend it, are siding with the one thing in this world which IS true. Whenever anyone can listen fairly to both sides of ANY issue, he WILL make the right decision. This is because he HAS the answer. Conflict can indeed be projected, but it MUST be intrapersonal first.

Available free of charge online:
Course in Political Miracles


Anonymous said…
The force initiators, in the case of 9/11, were Dwight Eisenhower (directed the overthrow of Iran's former democratic government and installed a monarchy), Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan (supporting brutal tyrants with money and covert CIA activity, with RMN and JC also giving billions of stolen dollars to the Western colony in the Levant known as Israel), Bush I (directed erstwhile dictator-puppet Saddam Hussein of Iraq to invade Iran, causing a devastating war which killed millions; then turned around and invaded Iraq when it decided to go after an easier target); Bill Clinton (who embargoed and bombed Iraq for years causing the preventable deaths of 600,000 Iraqi children), and Bush II (who continued Clinton's policies up until 9/11).

The 9/11 attacks were a retaliation for five decades of brutish U.S. foreign policy.

Go get 'em.

Il Douche more libertarian than Ron Paul? What a laugh.
Scott, your argument is true in an esoteric kind of way, like arguing that YOU initiated force by chosing to be born.

But your argument doesn't fly with Iraqi victims, or with down-to-earth Americans.

Libertarians will never gain political influence in America by bashing America.

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