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Are Romney and Huckabee Feeling Ron Paul's Libertarian Certainty?

Romney Borrows Ron Paul Philosophy?
Saturday, August 25, 2007 -

"They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. On the other hand, it does not show much honesty, integrity, or conviction. The latest test of this principle is to watch '1st tier' presidential candidate Mitt Romney start to emulate the political philosophy of '2nd tier' candidate Ron Paul. Ron Paul has been in favor of small government since he became a Congressman. He has been in Congress for ten terms or twenty years."

Ron Paul indeed should feel flattered. He has helped libertarian philosophy reach the mind of the "100th monkey," so to speak. Result: people everywhere are saying "Yes!" to libertarian ideas.

There is no scientific explanation for the 100th Monkey Principle, because mankind's science is still in kindergarten stage when it comes to explaining the universe of mind or spirit. But the principle works. It was described by Ken Keyes, Jr. in his book "The Hundredth Monkey: "Although the exact number may vary, this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon means that when only a limited number of individuals knows a 'new way', it remains the conscious property of those individuals. However, when one more individual manifests this new awareness, the field is strengthened, a critical mass is reached, and the awareness becomes the conscious property of all. This new awareness is communicated mind to mind."

So the writer from is only showing bias in assuming Mitt Romney's discovery of his own innate libertarianism is mere "imitation" which does not show honesty, integrity, or conviction. If that were the only explanation, the same could be said just as validly of everyone who is newly attracted to Ron Paul's ideas.

Actually, the exact opposite is true. It is only honesty and integrity that allows the 101st monkey and every subsequent monkey to let the new ideas into awareness (Romney is happy to be called a "monkey" in this context). Further, it is only this willingness to be open-minded that allows the recognition to take place that the "new" ideas are really only memories of self-evident truth, and such memories form the foundation of true conviction.

The writer and readers of need to release their ego-vested interest in forming grievances against Mitt Romney and in fact rejoice that not only Romney, but Huckabee and others are starting to give voice to the libertarian feelings inside themselves which growing up under 20th Century "liberalism" (socialism) had temporarily clouded out of their minds.

If libertarianism is true, then because of a principle far more powerful and all-encompassing than the simplistically stated "100th Monkey Principle" the outcome is certain and inevitable ... and the joining of Romney and other candidates is part of the certainty and inevitability. Therefore there is cause for rejoicing and gratitude!

The libertarian preparation device, A Course in Miracles, speaks of our natural patience when the outcome is certain:

Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety. Patience is natural to the teacher of God. All he sees is certain outcome, at a time perhaps unknown to him as yet, but not in doubt. The time will be as right as is the answer. And this is true for everything that happens now or in the future.

Available free online:
Course in Political Miracles

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