The Ron Paul Revolution: A Lesson in Free Market Economics
by Jason Rink ~
"This catapults Ron Paul’s real campaign war chest into the same stratosphere currently inhabited by only Clinton, Romney and Giuliani. Can anyone say 'first-tier candidate.'"
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It would be a miracle if Ron Paul really is drawing the magnitude of donations of a Clinton, or Giuliani, or Romney. Clinton, it is rumored, has the entire Chinese military budget to draw upon, since the Clintons are willing to sell U.S. military secrets to the Chinese. Giuliani has behind him the Texas Republican machine, master fund-raisers who helped Bush get elected twice. Romney has hundreds of CEOs who know his organizational and executive heroism (See Mitt Romney: An American Hero), not to mention about one quarter of the Mormon population. How could a so-called "eccentric" Congressman from Texas match these fund-raising giants?
Despite the stuborn closed-minded insistence by many libertarians that miracles cannot happen, it is pretty hard to explain Ron Paul's impressive surge without admitting that some extraterrestrial power is influencing the minds of those who are open.
Ayn Rand called it "mankind's spirit" at work, and she swore by it. Rose Wilder Lane or Isabel Paterson might have said there is a "spirit of liberty" or "energy of liberty" which can be repressed but ultimately never killed off. But there is certainly nothing unreasonable about admitting the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence (angels, if you wish) helping mankind to undo what human consciousness has managed to make of earth.
Let's imagine there exist totally free beings who are smart enough to obey the laws of the universe but have no use for artificial laws made by earthly egos like Clinton or Obama. Would such beings have any interest in helping earthlings get in-touch with their own "spirit of liberty?" Would they have reason to aid human beings in creating political set-ups which are reflections of their true inner freedom as spiritual beings?
The answer is yes, because no being's joy is complete until all beings are experiencing total joy. Some libertarians don't like to think of the possibility of angels, but for the sake of expression let's just say angels have no interest in resting as long as any pain, sickness or death remain anywhere.
Many libertarians like to point out that government is the main source of pain, sickness and death in our world. Just whittle down government, which means severely restrict politicians and human beings who for whatever reason like manmade laws, and there will be a dramatic decrease of pain, sickness, and death in the world. If you were an angel, this would certainly be a starting point, wouldn't you say?
And if you were an angel, you would be willing to work through any mind anywhere that is open and willing to accept some of your guidance. You'd be willing to work through an "eccentric" Congressman like Ron Paul if he would listen, wouldn't you think? You'd be willing to work through a heroic savior of the Olympics like Mitt Romney if he would listen, wouldn't you say?
Although Ron Paul's national poll numbers are increasing a little (miraculously?), it is so easy to become discouraged when a vast majority of people are sold on, for example, government-legislated universal health care. But if there really is an extraterrestrial intelligence working for human freedom, then there really is no reason to be discouraged, is there? We can relax and enjoy watching the miracles, true or false?
The device which prepares libertarians for success, A Course in Miracles, has this to say about our freedom:
“I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me. And the way to You is opening and clear to me at last. Father, my freedom is in You alone. Father, it is my will that I return.”
Available no charge online:
Course in Political Miracles
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Mike Huckabee,
Ron Paul, Rudi Giuliani, John McCain, President Bush, Hillary Clinton,
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