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How Would Ron Paul Change to Win Republican Nomination?

Ron Paul gets a rare chance to spotlight his views
GOP maverick: yes on gold standard, no on empire-building
05:59 AM CDT on Wednesday, September 12, 2007
By TODD J. GILLMAN / The Dallas Morning News

"My contention is that empire-building is not American, it's not constitutional, it's not moral, it costs us too much money, it costs us lives, it hurts our national defense, it ruins our national security, and ultimately it undermines our personal liberties at home because of the atmosphere that we create," he said, hardly taking a breath. "We pass all these laws where we have military dictatorship declared here to get rid of habeas corpus, have warrantless searches, have national ID cards and everybody's there begging for more safety from the government because they might attack again."

Click to read article

The good news: Ron Paul's supporters might win enough delegates and insert enough influence to change the direction of the Republican Party for years to come.

The bad news: Ron Paul will not win enough delegates to change the Republican Party immediately and drastically.

It is one thing to attract a great deal of attention. It is quite another to be credible to the vast majority of the American people. Over-taxed Americans busy trying to make ends meet with two jobs while still attending their children's high school sporting events have no time for nonsense. If they happen to see Ron Paul talking about American empire-building, they dismiss him as looney.

Why? They see no evidence of America building empires. America has intervened numerous times around the world in attempts to put an end to atrocities, but has never taken land for itself and shows no interest in running other countries.

What the jury of American people do see as evidence is Americans hoping to bring peace while fresh young non-radical governments get their footing in places like Cosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq ... not even close to empire building.

There has been a great debate among libertarians as to why they have tried for 40 years to get themselves elected and have met with dismal failure. It certainly doesn't help to broadcast foolish positions which everybody can see are not correct.

The device which prepares libertarians for success, A Course in Miracles, has this to say about the peace that comes with correct perception:

You will not find peace except the peace of God. Accept this fact, and save yourself the agony of yet more bitter disappointments, bleak despair, and sense of icy hopelessness and doubt. Seek you no further. There is nothing else for you to find except the peace of God, unless you seek for misery and pain.

This is the final point to which each one must come at last, to lay aside all hope of finding happiness where there is none; of being saved by what can only hurt; of making peace of chaos, joy of pain and Heaven out of hell. Attempt no more to win through losing, nor to die to live. You cannot but be asking for defeat.

Available free of charge online:
Course in Political Miracles

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