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Ron Paul Opposes Abortion Wrongs!

Liberal headline writers: "Ron Paul critical of Iraq war, abortion rights." "Does Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul's strong language about abolishing a woman's right to choose...." "Ron Paul opposes abortion rights."

Ron Paul says:"No!" He does not oppose abortion "rights." He opposes abortion wrongs. It is about right and wrong.

Libertarians have often been heard starting off their arguments with phrases like: "If you feel like doing it, and it doesn't seem to hurt anyone...." This is known as aborting morality before it can be born. Just because an activity doesn't seem to hurt anyone (judging by surface appearances) doesn't make it right. Voters know this, which explains why few libertarians have ever been able to win large numbers of votes.

Is it right to participate in sexual activity knowing full well you have no intention of taking responsibility for the result?

Is it right for a woman to begin nourishing and growing a baby inside herself and then let herself be guided by fear and brainwashed by abortion peddlers into killing the baby?

Living in a world that is desperate for innocence and love, is it right to sabotage bringing into this world a totally innocent, totally loving new being?

Ron Paul simply teaches as any advanced spiritual teacher would teach: government has no business perpetuating wrongs.

Ron Paul knows that a free country cannot be justified by economists and philosophers alone. He knows freedom is a quality of our spirit (see The Spiritual Basis of Liberty) and our spirit knows better than any philosopher or economist what is in the best interest of everyone.

A country cannot maintain its freedom if its citizens give up listening inside to their spirit. Government schools and powerfully noisy special interest groups who purposely redefine "rights" to encompass wrongs make it difficult to quiet one's fears, quiet one's ego-vested interests, and listen inside to one's spirit. But it can be done with a little willingness.

Contrary to Ann Coulter's joke "if Democrats had any brains," liberal headline writers have plenty of brains. They simply misuse their brains to create enough static to drown out the voice of their spirit.

But voters are far more open-minded than headline writers. As Ron Paul continues to speak to the certain knowledge inside of people of what is right and wrong, he will continue to gain new support ... and a responsible libertarian wing will continue to reform the Republican Party.

And who knows ... maybe someday even liberal headline writers will learn the difference between rights and wrongs.

The device which prepares libertarians for success, A Course in Miracles, has this to say about listening inside to what is really wrong and right.

It is quite possible to listen to God’s Voice all day without interrupting your regular activities in any way. The part of your mind in which truth abides is in constant communication with God, whether you are aware of it or not. It is the other part of your mind that functions in the world and obeys the world’s laws. It is this part which is constantly distracted, disorganized, and highly uncertain.

The part that is listening to the Voice of God is calm, always at rest and wholly certain. It is really the only part there is. The other part is a wild illusion, frantic and distraught, but without reality of any kind. Try today not to listen to it. Try to identify with the part of your mind where stillness and peace reign forever. Try to hear God’s Voice call to you lovingly.

Available free online:
Course in Political Miracles

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