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Will Ron Paul's Ideas Wake Up New Hampshire Voters?

"Paul is now emerging as a serious threat in New Hampshire, perhaps not to win it -- although the winner may need only 25% or so -- , but to influence the outcome in a way that reflects his worldview. He will spend most of the $5.3M in his campaign budget on television, mailings and field organizing in the Granite State. There are 450 people in largest Ron Paul Meetup group, and they're canvassing in Claremont and dropping lit in Manchester this weekend." (Read entire article: Taking Ron Paul Seriously In New Hampshire- 26 Oct 2007 )

Anyone who has followed the progress of the Free State Project
knows that freedom lovers have for several years been challenged to move to New Hampshire in part because of the leverage they might be able to exert in the Presidential selection process every 4 years. The State of New Hampshire has it's own leverage by virtue of being the first open primary in the nation. But what if ... it was argued ... Free Staters could apply leverage to the leverage?

Free State Project leaders fantasized that freedom lovers who were legal immigrants to New Hampshire could, by carefully planned campaigning and voting in the primaries, exert a moderating influence on any extreme left-wing dictatorship tendencies rising in the Democratic Party (Free Staters would put "Democratic" in parenthesis) and on any "echo not a choice" tendencies rising in the Republican Party.

In 2002 when Free Staters were contemplating choosing New Hampshire over other states, they could not have had the slightest idea of the gift Ron Paul would be giving them in just a few short years - a marvelous opportunity to have their own ideas heard.

Ron Paul is not the kind of charismatic, telegenic, emotionally connecting, spellbinding candidate a political party would normally hope to run against let's say a "Democrat" propaganda machine like Hillary Clinton's, or even a "me too" machine like Rudy Giuliani's. But "liberal-progressive" politicians have rarely been able to win elections when a full range of ideas have been heard and not merely the usual demagoguery along with some "me tooism."

The value of a full range of ideas being heard is that truth extended (as during a debate or election speech) resonates with the same truth deep inside listeners(see The Spiritual Basis of Liberty), so now it's not the Clinton or Giuliani machine against some old eccentric named Ron Paul. It becomes a campaign between truth and insanity.

Now here is an important principle which freedom-lovers must keep ever in mind: truth always wins in the long run ... even if it cannot overcome a particular political machine in a particular election.

So now everyone is asking whether Ron Paul will click with New Hampshire voters, and some observers are daring to answer what spiritual teachers would have answered from the beginning: it doesn't matter whether Ron Paul as a person clicks, the truth will resonate inside of people and the truth will do its work.

The device which prepares libertarians for success, A Course in Miracles , has this to say about the power of truth.

What can correct illusions but the truth? And what are errors but illusions that remain unrecognized for what they are? Where truth has entered errors disappear. They merely vanish, leaving not a trace by which to be remembered. They are gone because without belief they have no life, and so they disappear to nothingness, returning whence they came. From dust to dust they come and go, for only truth remains.

When truth has come it does not stay a while to disappear, or change to something else. It does not shift and alter in its form, nor come and go and go and come again. It stays exactly as it always was, to be depended on in every need, and trusted with a perfect trust in all the seeming difficulties and the doubts that the appearances the world presents engender. They will merely flow away, when truth corrects the errors in your mind.

(Related article: Why Do Liberals Support Slavery?)

Available free of charge online:
Course in Political Miracles

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