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Time Magazine Belittles Ron Paul Supporters

"His message, even if packaged in obscure economic lectures, is that there is something very corrupt, very Halliburton-Blackwatery going on with our military-industrial complex, and that can attract some pretty weird followers." (Read entire article: The Ron Paul Revolution, Joel Stein- Time/CNN 1 Nov 2007 )

Joel Stein must live in liberal-magician fantasy world. He must feel confident his readers will be mesmerized by his word-waving, and therefore unthinkingly form the opinion that every Ron Paul supporter is either a nerd, a weirdo, a nut-case, or an eccentric.

Wake up, Joel Stein! Everybody sees through your amateurish tricks!

What Joel Stein has accomplished with his article is provide a wonderfully clear example of a blindfolded liberal following the Liberal Democrat Rules of Perception.
Rule 1: Voters are to be viewed as easily hoodwinked and manipulated.
Rule 2: Everybody must be seen as flawed.
Rule 3: Nobody can be seen as heroic.
Rule 4: Anyone in politics who is not a Marxist must be belittled.

The psycho-philosophical issue is grandiosity vs. grandeur.

Joel Stein projects his own grandiosity and attacks any evidence of grandeur. Here is how Jesus states the issue in A Course in Miracles:

"Grandiosity is ALWAYS a cover for despair. It is without hope, because it is not real. It is an attempt to COUNTERACT your littleness, based on the belief THAT THE LITTLENESS IS REAL. WITHOUT this belief, the grandiosity is meaningless, and you could not possibly WANT it. The essence of grandiosity is competitiveness, because it ALWAYS involves ATTACK.

"Grandeur is of God, and ONLY of Him. Therefore, it is in you. Whenever you become aware of it, however dimly, you abandon the ego automatically, because in the presence of the grandeur of God, the meaninglessness of the ego becomes perfectly apparent.

"Littleness and grandeur cannot co-exist, nor is it possible for them to alternate in your awareness. Littleness and grandiosity can and MUST, since both are untrue, and therefore on the same level. But truth and littleness are DENIALS of each other, and grandeur IS truth. Truth does not vacillate; it is ALWAYS true."

In the Ron Paul Revolution we see for once a political movement based on grandeur, the grandeur which regular everyday people give themselves permission to feel when they are not listening to Liberal Democrats, the grandeur that was felt by Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine, and John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.

Ron Paul's is a political campaign that is already wildly successful because it has awakened the grandeur of so many.

You are forgiven, Joel Stein, but wake up and come home to your own grandeur and your own freedom!

The device which prepares libertarians for success, A Course in Miracles , rejects Joel Stein's foolishness and says to Ron Paul supporters:

You did not ESTABLISH your value, and it needs no defense. NOTHING can attack it, or prevail over it. It does not vary. It merely IS. Ask the Holy Spirit WHAT it is, and He will tell you. But do not be afraid of His Answer, for it comes from God. It IS an exalted answer, because of its Source. But the Source is true, and so is its answer. Listen and do not question what you hear, for God does not deceive. He would have you replace the ego's belief in littleness with His own exalted answer to the question of your being, so that you can cease to question it, and KNOW it, for what it IS.

(Related article: Why Do Liberals Support Slavery?)

Available free online:
Course in Political Miracles

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