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Ron Paul Visualizes Liberty-oriented Republican Party

"Ron Paul is one angry Republican. Get him started on America's skyrocketing debt, illegal immigration, secret wiretapping or border security and he wags his finger, his voice rising as the words come out in furious bursts." (Read entire article: Unwelcome guest crashes own party )

Ron Paul likes to make one thing perfectly clear: he is a Republican.

Yes, he abandoned the Republican Party and ran as the Presidential Candidate of the Libertarian Party twenty years ago in 1988, but who hasn't had a few youthful transgressions? He quickly saw the folly of 3rd party politics and returned to the party nurtured by the spirit of Ronald Reagan and Thomas Jefferson.

Of course Ron Paul is an angry Republican. The Republican Party hasn't left him. The Republican Party has turned left ... and Ron Paul doesn't like it.

Read the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The confiscation of property. Republicans are no longer heroic defenders of private property. A heavy graduated income tax. Republicans love taxation almost as much as Democrats. A central bank with state monopoly on controlling money supply. Most of the Federal Reserve Board members have been Republicans. Free education in public schools (read: indoctrination by government propaganda) The most Republican of all states, Utah, only just voted against school vouchers which would have offered children a bit of freedom in education.

(Related article: Utah Voters Brainwashed into Defeating School Vouchers?)

Yet Ron Paul is a seer who sees a far broader picture which many libertarians refuse to see. Unlike the Democratic Party, the Republican Party is not altogether lost to Marxism, and a resurrected Republican Party focused on liberty would be the only viable political mechanism for stopping Democratic Party Marxism from plunging the U.S. into a more miserable quality of life than experienced in the Dark Ages.

Many Americans will fight a civil war before they let themselves be bullied into submission by the Democratic Party. But a civil war of deadly force, disruption of the flow of goods and services, hunger, pain and misery can be avoided by making the Republican party strong for liberty. Then the "civil war" would remain in polling places where neighbors can still wave to each other and smile at each other and beam a little love and respect toward each other while sorting out their mistaken or non-mistaken perceptions as the case may be.

A feature of this campaign year is the thousands of concerned individuals who are registering Republican so they can vote for Ron Paul in various primaries. This is good for America because it is good for the Republican Party. We can't wait to see what happens, wouldn't you say?

The device which prepares libertarians for success, A Course in Miracles , says this about opening one's mind to a broader viewpoint:

The aim of our curriculum, unlike the goal of the world's learning, is the recognition that judgment in the usual sense is impossible. This is not an opinion but a fact. In order to judge anything rightly, one would have to be fully aware of an inconceivably wide range of things; past, present and to come. One would have to recognize in advance all the effects of his judgments on everyone and everything involved in them in any way. And one would have to be certain there is no distortion in his perception, so that his judgment would be wholly fair to everyone on whom it rests now and in the future. Who is in a position to do this? Who except in grandiose fantasies would claim this for himself?

Remember how many times you thought you knew all the "facts" you needed for judgment, and how wrong you were! Is there anyone who has not had this experience? Would you know how many times you merely thought you were right, without ever realizing you were wrong? Why would you choose such an arbitrary basis for decision making? Wisdom is not judgment; it is the relinquishment of judgment. Make then but one more judgment. It is this: There is Someone with you Whose judgment is perfect. He does know all the facts; past, present and to come. He does know all the effects of His judgment on everyone and everything involved in any way. And He is wholly fair to everyone, for there is no distortion in His perception.

Available free of charge online:
Course in Political Miracles

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