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Pro-slavery Barack Obama vs. Abolitionist Ron Paul?

"The real issue is whether America would be a stronger and more prosperous nation if government was reduced to the levels envisioned by the Founding Fathers. America climbed from agricultural poverty to middle-class prosperity before the income tax was adopted, and federal government spending (with the exception of times of war) was a small percentage of GDP." CATO@LIBERTY
(Click to read entire article: Defending Ron Paul's Tax Plan)

The point which the above article misses is that it doesn't matter where savings are going to come from when the income tax is abolished. When you are taxed on your income it is called "slavery," and Ron Paul is the only hugely visible politician calling for the end of slavery in America.

Everybody in the world knows governments are hopelessly inefficient and corrupt, spending far more money than necessary even on what one might think of as legitimate government functions. So do not get caught up wondering where the savings is going to come from when the income tax is abolished. Instead, keep your focus on the immorality of slavery.

The definition of slavery is involuntary subjection to another or others. Lo and behold, the definition of income tax turns out to be involuntary subjection to another or others. Whether you consider the "others" to be politicians, lawyer lobbyists, or simply majority voters, there is nothing voluntary about income tax.

Another definition of slavery is a state of subjugation or captivity often involving burdensome labor. Every paycheck earner in America toils under immense burden, sometimes working two jobs to make ends meet, as his or her earnings are siphoned off by the slave masters' income tax. Families feel obligated to send both parents off to work while kids grow up unsupervised and feeling sometimes unloved, because one parent working does not make enough money once the income tax has been deducted. Don't let anyone tell you income tax is not slavery.

The American Founding Fathers could not complete the American Revolution in the 1700s. The desire of the clearest thinking American revolutionaries was to free men and women from forceful subjugation forever. They were thwarted, but did the best they could at the time. Never in their wildest dreams did they ever imagine people they thought they were freeing would allow themselves to be subjugated by a tax on income.

The income tax became popular later. It was championed by Karl Marx in his "Communist Manifesto," which advocated a society ruled by workers (actually by politicians claiming to be on the side of labor) and paid for by "a heavy progressive or graduated income tax." American intellectuals, hopelessly out of touch with their repressed free spirit, fell for the income tax hook, line, and sinker (almost rhyming with hood-lying-winked).

Ever since Karl Marx's influence took hold we pledge allegiance to the United Slave States of America. Definition of Slave state: a political system paid for in part by slave labor or tax on income.

Yet we have just enough freedom remaining that one politician in America has been able to voice his opposition to the slavery of the income tax and not have his voice totally drowned out. If you love freedom and are not easily hoodwinked by leftists who thrive on the slavery of tax on income ... then register Republican and vote for Ron Paul in your slave state's primary election next year. You might help the Republican Party return to its anti-slavery roots.

(Related Article: Republican Liberty Revolution)

The device which prepares libertarians for success, A Course in Miracles , talks about our ultimate need to free ourselves from every kind of slavery:

You have been told to bring the darkness to the light, and guilt to holiness. And you have also been told that error must be corrected at its source. Therefore, it is the tiny part of your self, the little thought that seems split off and separate, that the Holy Spirit needs. The rest is fully in God's keeping, and needs no guide. But this wild and delusional thought needs help, because, in its delusions, it thinks it is the Son of God, whole and omnipotent, sole ruler of the kingdom it set apart to tyrannize by madness into obedience and slavery.

Available free of charge online:
Course in Political Miracles

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