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Ron Paul's $6 Million Boston Tea Party

Today, the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, the day that helped spark the American Revolution, Paul's Web-savvy, intensely loyal supporters planned another "money-bomb." And by 6 p.m. EST, the "Paulites" had raised $4.1 million from more than 30,000 donors, bringing the Texas Republican's fundraising total this quarter to $15.8 million. And counting.
(Click to read entire story: Boston Tea Party: Ron Paul Raises Millions

By midnight the total donations toward political liberty had reached $6 million.

No more government control. No more government stupidity. No more government theft. No more government deception. No more government corruption. A 50 year moratorium on new government programs!

We, the people, want liberty!

See related article: Spirit of '76 Liberty Revolution

The device which prepares freedom lovers for success, A Course in Miracles , indicates freedom of the body is meaningless without achieving freedom of the mind:

Do you want freedom of the body, or of the mind? For both you cannot have. Which do you value? Which is your goal? For one you see as means; the other, end. And one must serve the other, and lead to its predominance, increasing its importance by diminishing its own. Means serve the end, and as the end is reached, the value of the means decreases, and is eclipsed entirely when they are recognized as functionless. No one but yearns for freedom, and tries to find it. But he will seek for it where he believes it is, and can be found. He will believe it possible of mind or body, and he will make the other serve his choice, as means to find it.

Available free online:
Course in Political Miracles

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