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Is Grover Norquist Starting To Feel Libertarian Impulses?

For all their promises, there's one thing Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama absolutely will never do: leave us alone. They will not let us sink or swim by our own choices. They want to protect us from our faulty decisions so we will never learn our lessons, and others will never learn from watching our struggles. They want government to turn us into house pets who have lost all natural survival skills.

Grover Norquist says "No!" to such nonsense.

In his book "Leave Us Alone," Norquist points out that while there may be some Americans mesmerized by the Democratic Party's fantasy of government making life easy, there is still a large majority of Americans who want government to leave them alone to make life their own way. Norquist sees a revolution coming, but not the insane kind of "change" fancied by leftists. He chronicles a huge coalition of Americans who want to keep their money, keep their guns, keep their children, and keep their freedom to make decisions as they see fit.

Norquist points out that the beauty of this gigantic coalition is nobody has to agree with everything a candidate says or does or stands for. One simply needs to ask and answer honestly, "What happens to my overriding major concern if I let the Democratic Party candidate win?"

Voters concerned about the economy have only to notice that Democrats are hell-bent on taking money away from the rich and giving it to the poor and middle class. Result: Enormous reduction in available investment capital, economic stagnation hugely lowering government tax receipts and in time necessitating higher taxes on the poor and middle class, and a general societal malaise in which people say, "Why should I work hard?"

Voters concerned about safe neighborhoods, safe schools, safe friends for their children need only see that Democrats tend to view society differently than reasonable people. In Democratic eyes, criminals are really victims who need to be consoled and loved and allowed more freedom, condoms need to be given to little school children so they can experiment with sex, parental authority is old-fashioned and needs to be sabotaged by teachers and school administrators, the use of drugs needs to be "understood" and not so stigmatized. There is no right and wrong.

Voters concerned with threats from abroad, Islamic jihadists whose goal is to take over the world and either kill or make slaves of all non-believers, only have to pay attention to the insistence of leading Democrats that terrorists have the same rights as law-abiding citizens; and that if we would just talk to them, give them a little of what they want, then they might leave us alone.

Good idea. How about taxpayers just talk to the government and say, "Hey, taxation is so high that I have to work two jobs, and my wife has to work, and we still can't make ends meet. How about I give you a little of what you want, and you leave us alone?"

Norquist sees a large coalition of Americans which he calls the "Leave Us Alone Coalition." Why not call it the "We're Tired of Being Slaves! We Want Our Freedom Coalition?"

Whatever such a coalition comes to be called, Norquist suggests several reforms which he feels will be helpful. He lists, for example, 7 tax reforms, missing totally the point that only one tax reform is needed: A Constitutional Amendment prohibiting taxation in any form and requiring that governments be funded by fees for services and voluntary donations.

Beyond his taxation suggestions, Norquist discusses what he calls "Five Great Reforms," which he believes will cement the freedom of Americans from government slavery:

1. Make all pensions individually owned and portable.

2. Make health insurance individually owned, and control costs through competition.

3. Give parents real choice in education.

4. Competitive sourcing (of government services).

5. Transparency (allowing everybody to see clearly what government is doing).

Hmmm.... Instead of 5 little reforms, how about one super-reform? How about voters simply saying to the Democratic Party: "Get your hell out of our way!"

“I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me." (Prayer from A Course in Miracles)

Available free of charge online:
Course in Political Miracles

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