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Bob Barr Quiets Doubts At Libertarian Convention

Former Libertarian GOP congressman shows LP convention delegates he's a fighter.

With the exception of one debate question having to do with the price of oil or gasoline, and an underlying "disgusted with government" sentiment, not much in the presidential debate at the Libertarian convention last night spoke to the vast majority of American people. The questions mostly addressed libertarian "purity."

Of course we perceive what we want to perceive, but here are some impressions:

The seemingly most "unpure" libertarian on the stage was former Democratic Senator Mike Gravel, who seemed to think that merely calling himself a libertarian and voicing old socialistic antagonisms against the military-industrial complex would be enough to win delegate's hearts. The soul of a true libertarian clearly wasn't present in this old senate worshipper.

Wayne Allyn Root seemed like a over-eager Donald Trump apprentice. He certainly "had the power" in communication. He certainly did not connect on a feeling level with the audiance.

Michael Jingozian connected deeply with listeners, speaking from the confident inner certainty of his soul. But he lacked the intangeable "leadership quality" of a president. You couldn't imagine following him up a hill into battle.

Steve Kubby connected well with listeners, was likeable, humorous, and even exhibited some qualities of a fighter ... as long as the issue was medical marijuana. The picture of libertarianism he paints is pure ... purely unacceptable to the broad conservative American public who are afraid of drugs because they have seen too many lives ruined.

Mary Ruwart was unfortunately nervous, still uncomfortable as a speaker wanting something from listeners. She did get one thing very right. Libertarians need to give up their judgmentalism, and show the world that their ideas and solutions stem from compassion and love. As a listener, you desired Mary to be leader of cheer, maybe Vice President.

It's too bad the ugly issue of "libertarian purity" had to be so pervasive during the debate, with offensive and repulsive booing when the moderator's Republican and conservative roots were announced. Mary Ruwart was right ... many libertarians might be not only too judgmental, but too childish and unaccepting to deserve a vote from the American people.

And finally, as has already been said, Bob Barr proved himself a solid libertarian, confident in the political arena, and a fighter. He left the impression that you would want to follow him up a hill into battle.

If you are a freedom lover interested in winning politics be sure to see: Course in Political Miracles

For a great discussion on Christianity vs. State Socialism see: Christianity vs. State Socialism

“I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me." (Prayer from A Course in Miracles)

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Continue the great work!
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