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Libertarians Smell Religious Persecution in Unconstitutional Texas FLDS Raid

Did Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff's office first call Texas? Or did Texas first call his office? Who initiated the religious persecution?

Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff testified in Texas legislative committee hearings in support of the proposed changes, which were intended to help Texas authorities address new found problems stemming from the FLDS compound and its inhabitants' way of life.

"Our marriage laws needed to be updated anyway," hilderbran said. "Moving from 14 to 16 was a no-brainer for parental consent. It would have the least amount of push-back."

Hilderbran said Texas had enough authority under the criminal laws already on the books for statutory rape and sexual assault of minors to justify its raid and believes those provisions "really boxes them in."

To read entire news article go to Deseret News Archives: This won't be "another Short Creek."

At Short Creek, captured children were allowed to return to their parents. This time, it was planned religious persecution from the start with no intent to ever allow the 460 or so children return to their parents whether or not their parents are guilty of any wrongdoing.

For Mark Shurtleff and his Texas partners it's about state socialism, the insane belief that government officials and bureaucrats know better than everybody else how people should lead their lives ... it's about justifying the use of state force against those who would be free to live as their conscience dictates.

The FLDS children were never in any danger of harm. Texas officials argued essentially "these children might possibly be brought up with values different than ours." For Shurtleff and his Texas pals it's about State worship and State power, and the infallibility of the State. It's socialism at it's damnedest. Yet it's the children who are being damned.

The question libertarians want asked and answered is: who initiated the contact between Texas and Mark Shurtleff's office? We know Mark Shurtleff testified in Texas hearings. Who called who?

Freedom lovers everywhere would do well to boycott Texas. Don't buy Texas products. Don't use Texas services. Don't vacation in Texas. Don't support Texas in any way ... until the children are freed.

Write to Texas officials of all levels and tell them specifically what you plan to do to "remove your support" of Texas until the children are free to live with their natural families. If you are from Utah, or have Utah family, write to Attorney General Mark Shurtleff and express your desire to see him explain himself or be voted out of office. An organization which can help you is:

See the truth about these children for yourself in the below video:

Happy FLDS kids before the government raid

"Free the Innocent FLDS" Petition

Target:Texas CPS, Governor, and Judges
Sponsored by: Connor Boyack

We, the undersigned, urge Texan authorities to free the innocent women, children, and other members of the Fundamentalist LDS Church who are currently being detained. We demand that the Constitutional rights of the innocent be preserved, and that due process be served. As individuals are innocent until proven guilty, we call upon the Texas Governor to intervene in this matter and allow the women and children to return to their homes peacefully. We also demand an apology, most especially from the Texas CPS, for the heinous acts of aggression displayed in these recent events.

Click here to read over 2,200 furious comments by outraged citizens in this Petition.

What About The Abusive Texas Foster Care System?

The State of Texas believes these 416 children, about 100 under the age of 4 years old, would be better off in the Texas Foster Care System, rather than in their own homes. Here is a shocking video that describes the horrors of the abusive Texas Foster Care System:

If you are a freedom lover interested in winning politics be sure to study: Course in Political Miracles

For a great discussion on Christianity vs. State Socialism see: Christianity vs. State Socialism

“I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me." (Prayer from A Course in Miracles)

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