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How Could Bob Barr Put McCain & Obama In Their Place?

McCain falls in center with vast majority of Americans, so should win election ... true or false?

Hard to say, because the Nolan Chart, in depicting four political extremes is extremely faulty. There are only two political extremes. Extreme worship of government (both Obama and McCain) and extreme disgust with government (Libertarian Bob Barr along with most Americans).

The so-called "Right" and "Left," shown on the Nolan Chart above as "Liberal" and "Conservative" are two branches of the same cancer, each determined to wield government power over the lives of individuals and families, each wanting to expand government enormously when it suits their ego-vested interests and diminish government in a few areas where their ego-vested interests are not served. Both Liberals and Conservatives are statists. Their goal is to use government to force their ego-vested interests on others. If the human ego is what ancients called the "devil," both the political Right and the political Left are devil worshippers.

The alternative to Liberal and Conservative statism in the chart above is labeled "Libertarian." But it could as easily have been called "Common Sense," as opposed to the chaos inevitably created by the worship of government and political power-mongering. It might also have been called "spiritual," but that sometimes has a connotation of "religious," and there are many, many people who are highly spiritual while not in favor of any particular religion (many atheists, for example, are very spiritual and don't even know it).

Maybe a useful label for understanding the top of the Nolan Chart would have been "Political Aikido," because non-statist individuals and families do not seek to initiate political power, only to neutralize any power used against them. Consider the following randomly picked description of Aikido (as a martial art), but note it does not at all fit the Barack Obamas or John McCains of the world, the Liberal or Conservative or Centrist statists:

Aikido is a Japanese martial art. Its purpose is to resolve situations in the most non-damaging way to both the attacker and the attacked. Aikido uses the opponent's energy against him/her. It concentrates on the flow and the redirection of the aggressor's energy using the least amount of energy of the attacked. There is an emphasis on focus without tension. Some would say it is the only true martial art, because it focuses on submission with the least amount of harm. Some would also say it is one of the most difficult martial arts to master.

"Libertarians," as we free spirits and freedom lovers have unfortunately chosen to call ourselves, wouldn't mind getting elected to political office, but not for the reason of initiating political power ... rather solely for the reason of neutralizing the use of political power by others.

Which brings us to Bob Barr, Libertarian Party candidate for President of the United States. In one respect, Bob Barr is like the Apostle Paul. He was once part of the statist establishment who delighted in persecuting Libertarians right along with certain Democrats. But then he had a "road to Damascus" experience, began to see the light, and over time became an untiring salesman for libertarianism.

So Bob Barr is now on the non-statist side, yet in modus operandi he is not an extremist. He is not the kind of libertarian who sabotages all other libertarians with asinine or ruinous pronouncements. He is a polished libertarian, perhaps having mastered at least to some small degree the art of political Aikido, perhaps having absorbed a bit of the Course in Political Miracles, which has been responsible for libertarian political success in the past.

Because the media and the pollsters are government worshippers, they are only going to cover government worshipping candidates, and to the degree these candidates worship government. Barack Obama, five times daily on his knees supplicating to government, gets by far the most coverage. John McCain gets obligatory coverage (to give the appearance of fairness). Bob Barr is not considered worthy of mention. Course in Political Miracles teaches how to overcome all this bias, but there still lingers among freedom lovers a faulty perception that Goliath is too huge a giant to defeat. So no one tries.

Nonetheless, Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party are making noise. Those who were born into, or indoctrinated into, government worship are beginning to wonder if there are other alternatives. The high priests and priestesses of government worship, those who are hopelessly addicted to political power, are finding their misplaced confidence shaken in bothersome ways.

The Nolan Chart really should have only two categories: Statist below and Libertarian above. Then people could see clearly that if they want to lift up their lives and the lives of their families, they do well lifting up the Libertarian Party with their support and their votes.

Speaking of "lifting higher", for the last election year studied (1998) some of the highest percentage of votes for Libertarian Party candidates were for candidates who had been studying free of charge the lessons of: Course in Political Miracles

For a great discussion on Christianity vs. State Socialism see: Christianity vs. State Socialism

“I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me." (Prayer from A Course in Miracles)


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