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Obama's Chicago Gangland "Change?" Or Positive Revolution?

Young people should be supporting Ron Paul's revolution, not Barack Obama's King George-like tinkering ... true or false?

Well, if you have allowed the media to brainwash you, surrendered your mind to being hypnotized by flowery oratory, or made yourself a slave to bandwagon faddishness, you probably think Barack Obama is worth voting for. But before you become hopelessly misled in an addiction to Obama, read Ron Paul's "The Revolution: A Manifesto."

If there is anything admirable about Barack Obama, such as never wanting to go into Iraq ... Ron Paul was there first.

If there is anything dangerous about Barack Obama, such as fondness for far-left idiocy ... Ron Paul never went there.

But even if Obama veers away from far-left insanity, he would still represent the old, the tired, the blind, the last hundred or so years of government bureaucrats making a mess of everything they touch. Obama worships government power. Like all so-called "do-gooders," Obama wants government power so he can further sometimes seemingly worthy causes. But he nonetheless worships at the altar of government power.

Ron Paul sees clearly that government power is the root of all evil if not extremely limited. Unlike Barack Obama, who wants government power, Dr. Paul recognizes that government power in the hands of "do-gooders" always does infinitely more harm than good.

Barack Obama might point to civil liberties and espionage abuses of the Bush administration and say, "Give me the power. You'll have to trust me! I won't do those things!" But while Obama talks, Ron Paul has already taken meaningful concrete steps, introducing in Congress the American Freedom Agenda Act.

This was legislation designed to eliminate abuse of power. It would repeal the Military Commissions Act of 2006. It would forbid the use of statements extracted by torture as evidence in any civilian or military tribunal. It would subordinate the President's surveillance activities to the requirements of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It gives the House of Representatives and Senate legal ability to contest in court any Presidential signing agreement that indicates an intention to disregard any provision of the signed legislation. It specifies that nothing in the Espionage Act of 1917 prevents any journalist from publishing information received from the executive branch or Congress "unless the publication would cause direct, immediate, and irreparable harm to the national security of the United States."

In Ron Paul's book "The Revolution," you will read why government is not working, but more importantly why government cannot work as it has evolved. You'll understand that no amount of Barack Obama's kind of change can make things better because Barack Obama's kind of government worship is the problem. More and more young people are seeing it does no good whatsoever, zero good, to replace a Republican administration with a Democratic administration. Two party replacement = things only get worse.

In the political arena, Ron Paul could not get enough delegates to beat out the Huckabee-McCain behind-the-scenes wheeler-dealers. But he did start a revolution that will not die out. His Republican Liberty Caucus will be stronger than ever. The Libertarian Party, which is running Ron Paul's friend Bob Barr, is gaining attention and popularity.

This "Liberty Movement" is where young people find a feeling of "rightness" and "naturalness." It's a movement of peace ... and love ... and joy. Whereas Barack Obama talks airily about "hope" while clinching his fists, grinding his teeth and offering no real change, the Liberty Movement offers and entire course designed to lift young people to the heights of honest and fulfilling political success: Course in Political Miracles

If you know anything about history, think of it this way: Barack Obama is the same as England's King George, who begs for people's trust and craves their loyalty. Ron Paul and his revolutionaries, on the other hand, are moved by Common Sense. Common Sense is what you'll find in Ron Paul's "The Revolution: A Manifesto."

Speaking of "lifting higher", for the last election year studied (1998) some of the highest percentage of votes for Libertarian Party candidates were for candidates who had been studying free of charge the lessons of: Course in Political Miracles

For a great discussion on Christianity vs. State Socialism see: Christianity vs. State Socialism

“I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me." (Prayer from A Course in Miracles)


Anonymous said…
I just received my copy of Revolution A Manifesto and am looking forward to reading it.

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