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Ron Paul: Government Caused Mortgage Crisis; Cannot Solve It

Ron Paul Points Out Stupidity of Bailouts and Government Manipulation of Economy.

"Many Americans today are asking themselves how the economy got to be in such a bad spot.

For years they thought the economy was booming, growth was up, job numbers and productivity were increasing. Yet now we find ourselves in what is shaping up to be one of the most severe economic downturns since the Great Depression.

Unfortunately, the government's preferred solution to the crisis is the very thing that got us into this mess in the first place: government intervention."
Click to read entire article: Bailouts will lead to rough economic ride

Libertarians have always understood what Republicans and Democrats seem unable to see: to work properly, a country's economy must be free from government interference. Yes, there should be government safeguards against the use of force or fraud by business people and corporations. But presidents and senators and congress people and bureaucrats and lobbyists and lawyers have no way to make the economy somehow magically better by interfering with the natural workings of the marketplace.

In Ron Paul's commentary cited above, he points out that government interference is what starts artificial economic imbalances in the first place, makes it impossible for corrections to happen quickly and easily as they would in a truly free market, and ultimately guarantees economic crisis. It is neither logical nor moral to blame Wall Street for what the government causes, as Barack Obama does. The culprit is government.

What is needed is an amendment to the U.S. Constitution which spells out that it is not a function of government to guide the economy, and prohibits any government activity aimed at economic influence. You do not live in a free country if the economy of your country is not free of lawmakers, lobbyists, bureaucrats and other political power-wielders.

Until Americans start listening to Ron Paul and other libertarians who understand economics, there will be continued and probably ever-worse economic crises. Government is creating hell. But the day will come when enough Americans will stand up and join Ron Paul in demanding of government: "Get the hell out of the way."

Speaking of "lifting higher", for the last election year studied (1998) some of the highest percentage of votes for Libertarian Party candidates were for candidates who had been studying free of charge the lessons of: Course in Political Miracles

For a great discussion on Christianity vs. State Socialism see: Christianity vs. State Socialism

“I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me." (Prayer from A Course in Miracles)


Amber Sunshine said…
I love me some Ron Paul. Especially with this issue. I love how high and might politicians get when they think government is the solution to the problem government caused.

check out my site if you want an alternative choice for president.

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