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Democratic Thugs, Republican Pushovers, Libertarian Lovers

Course in Political Miracles: Weekly Lesson 39
"Liberty's light is the light of love."

In the lessons of this course I have learned that liberty will increase if I am in touch with my deepest, truest desire, because the innermost desire of my spirit is for liberty ... and such an all-encompassing desire is a very powerful creative force once unleashed.

I have also learned I can help any organizations that are creating political liberty, such as the Libertarian Party, by using my imagination and my belief. If I strongly picture in my mind a goal being achieved and strongly believe it is being achieved, I soon start seeing evidence of it in reality.

Non-religious people might call this the "power of an idea held in mind." Religious people might call it "prayer." Whatever one calls it, religious and non-religious people have the same deep inner desire for liberty, use the same imagination and belief, and have nothing to fear from one another. Again, everyone down deep is a libertarian.

What if there is yet another way to help a freedom-facilitating organization such as the Libertarian Party? I know how to use the power of belief and the power of imagination. What about the power of emotion? What if I could harness the power of emotion and channel it into achieving my goal?

I know that at the deep root of emotions there are only two starting points: fear and love. Every emotion which can be named springs from either fear or love. Fear and fear's derivative emotions, such as anger, I use to sabotage my success. Love and emotions related to love I use to achieve everything good.

But just exactly how do I use love to build an organization that promotes liberty, such as the Libertarian Party?

The answer is the same for any liberty enhancing organization, but I declare it for the Libertarian Party: I declare the truth that the Libertarian Party loves everyone.

Wouldn't it be strange if there was a non-libertarian political party which never tired of crying, "We are the party of the people. We love people! We care for people!", but then when their politicians got into office they never tired of creating a tax and regulation slavery state that favored bureaucrats and special interest groups while making it impossible for hard-working down-to-earth people to rise above a spirit-suffocated chain gang existence? Wouldn't it be strange if such a political party called themselves "the party of the poor" but their policies guaranteed that the only way to not be poor is to be dishonest?

Would it be logical to conclude that the members of such a party secretly hate people and only say they care for people as a form of political double-talk designed to help them maintain power?

The members of such a party would certainly resort to screaming that the Libertarian Party is uncaring. But it pays to look deeper. Wouldn't libertarians give people what they really, really, REALLY want: freedom to learn from their mistakes and freedom for their spirit to soar? Who then really loves people?

It would work against my goals to go out in public and say that other political parties fundamentally hate people. But it is very much in my interest to see that the Libertarian Party ultimately comes from love.

My goal this week is to see the Libertarian Party as the loving party it really is. If I feel so inclined, I can do this by creating a poster or decreeing ... like I did with last week's lesson. But I want to have fun this week doing something a little more touching to others. As I declared for myself with last week's lesson, I'm willing to do whatever it takes ... even if the exercise is a stretch for me.

Each day this week, I am going to write one or more short "thank you" notes to acquaintances. I am going to express my sincere appreciation to them for being who they are. No matter what I imagine or know their political leanings to be I am going to end each thank you note by writing, "I want you to know the Libertarian Party loves you!"

The purpose of this week's exercise is twofold: (1) It gets me feeling gratitude and love toward people I may never have taken the time to feel gratitude and love toward, which opens me up spiritually; and (2) It helps others to feel good about themselves and about the Libertarian Party at one and the same time.

Something "magical" happens when people feel good about themselves and good about the Libertarian Party at the same time. I can call it "synthesis" at some deep level emotionally. Or I can call it "subconscious emotional rapport." Or I can forget about calling it anything and just be happy that it happens.

Before retiring each day this week I let myself feel the joy that comes from knowing I have done my part in spreading love ... and in spreading love in the name of the Libertarian Party, an organization which serves my goals.

For the last election year studied (1998) some of the highest percentage of votes for Libertarian Party candidates were for candidates who had been studying free of charge the lessons of: Course in Political Miracles

For a great discussion on Christianity vs. State Socialism see: Christianity vs. State Socialism

“I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me." (Prayer from A Course in Miracles)


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