Strategic Inclusiveness "Under no circumstances are you to win elections!" That's what the general public is saying to the Libertarian Party ... true or false? The truth is the majority of the voting public will vote for Libertarian Party candidates just as readily as they vote for Democrats or Republicans if libertarians campaign on the right issues in the right way. One wrong way to campaign is to demonize the Democratic and Republican parties. There are many reasons for this. Some obvious practical reasons are that demonizing the other guys is very unpopular among voters, it makes Libertarian Party candidates appear nonconstructive, and it is an open invitation to be shredded by the media. A not so obvious reason is that it renders Libertarian Party candidates morally weak, having infected themselves with moral virus in the process of slinging judgments. Attack is impossible to initiate when coming from the experience of one's own joy, happiness, and sense of well...