"Do not underestimate people's will to be free!" As the Obama administration continues to uncover their secret agenda which looks evermore like Hitler's Germany or Mussolini's Italy, Obama's approval rating has drifted downward. Americans might be slow to wake up and smell the putrid odor of tyrannical thugs in leadership positions, but like the hundredth monkey principle there comes a critical mass time when the truth can no longer be ignored. Then it becomes fun ... and dangerous; exciting ... and scary. If the election of fascist Barack Obama flashed warning signs of dangerous and scary times ahead, the 9-12 march on Washington signals the beginning of exciting and fun times for libertarians. No longer are freedom lovers a 1% or 2% minority. The sleeping giant has awakened and libertarians can find allies everywhere. In one respect, it's good that Barack Obama lied to Americans as to what his "fundamental change" of American society would loo...