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Libertarianism Coming On Strong?

"Americans are increasingly opposed to activist government programs. The most significant social movement of 2009, the Tea Party protests, grew out of that opposition. Libertarian heroine Ayn Rand is as popular today as ever. Rand's brilliant and radical laissez faire novel "Atlas Shrugged," sold roughly 300,000 copies last year, according to BookScan, twice its sales in 2008 and roughly triple annual sales in recent decades." - Conservative Libertarianism's Comeback by David Paul Kuhn

The above article would have us believe that a growing resurgence in libertarian sentiment is a "backlash" reaction to the Democratic Party's move into full-fledged fascism. Certainly there is some truth to this, but it cannot be the whole story.

Franklin Roosevelt's fascism was far more inclusive. FDR's brain trust had almost to a man visited Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union and liked what they saw. In the Roosevelt Administration there was a long standing worship of Mussolini's fascism and conscious attempts to imitate Stalin-style planning by government bureaucrats. Yet there was no huge widespread "Tea Party in the streets" reaction to Roosevelt's policies.

Today's libertarian resurgence has much more to do with the ripening fruit of seeds planted by libertarians dedicated to "educating the public." For years, the Libertarian Party has not been interested in winning elections, as evidenced by their self-defeating stands favoring marijuana legalization, wide open borders, and "do nothing" foreign policy. But beneath the surface of their self-sabotage, certain truths were being voiced and heard by ears eager for truth.

Libertarians have taught the public that government planning is inevitably inefficient and thug-like, that government manipulation of the money supply is always disastrous, that taxation is theft, and that people learn their lessons more efficiently and build more personal spiritual strength when their government stays out of their lives and lets them make their own decisions.

Libertarianism is the political infrastructure which promotes personal responsibility, personal self-esteem, and the gaining of personal spiritual qualities such as genuine love and respect for one's neighbors. Whereas Democratic Party fascism destroys these values in people, libertarianism builds and strengthens them.

Yes, there is a reaction to the blatant arrogance of the Obama Administration's fascism, but the pendulum has swung back in the direction the American Founding Fathers had in mind. And it might well swing to an even more clear expression of liberty than ever before.

By definition America is now a fascist state:

a socialist governmental system led by a dominant elite which seeks to control industry and commerce, and uses legislation and governmental decree to force Utopian programs on people.

one's natural state of being; a governmental system reflecting one's natural state, including voluntary funding and voluntary willingness to join and cooperate with some rules, but with no restrictions forced on people.

If you are just waking up to your innate libertarian side and want to investigate deeper the underlying nonsense of Obama's religion of government worship, give yourself the pleasure of reading Ayn Rand's epic and masterful novel, Atlas Shrugged:

"God's laws will keep your minds at peace, because peace IS His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom, but yours are the laws of bondage. Since freedom and bondage are irreconcilable, their laws CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD TOGETHER. The laws of God work only for your good, and there ARE no other laws beside His. Everything else is merely lawLESS, and therefore chaotic." -Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles

For the last election year studied (1998) some of the highest percentage of votes for Libertarian Party candidates were for candidates who had been studying free of charge the lessons of: Course in Political Miracles

For a great discussion on Christianity vs. State Socialism see: Christianity vs. State Socialism

“I did not understand what made me free, nor what my freedom is, nor where to look to find it. Father, I have searched in vain until I heard Your Voice directing me. Now I would guide myself no more. For I have neither made nor understood the way to find my freedom. But I trust in You. You Who endowed me with my freedom as Your holy Son will not be lost to me. Your Voice directs me." (Prayer from A Course in Miracles)


Anonymous said…
Conservative Republican here. I'm with ya. Would also like to replace those Republicans with Reagan conservatives and take back the party.
JohnnyO said…
So you are a deeply Christian Libertarian? What is your opinion on the separation of church and state?
There should not be an official state-sponsored religion. This is the reason why Marxism needs to be defeated. Marxist worship of government is precisely the kind of fanatical religious closed-mindedness we must guard against.

It's ironic ... Karl Marx is supposed to have said "religion is the opiate of the masses." Since than Marxism has been made into a religion by it's followers. For them, worship of government and government solutions has become their opiate.

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