In the recent debate among Republican Presidential candidates at the Ronald Reagan Library, the narrator brought up the subject of the government mandating people to buy health insurance, and asked generally how many of the candidates present believe government mandates are wrong. Most replied they were against government mandates.
Then Ron Paul, with a certain spiritual satisfaction, pointed out that practically every government program is forced on people with a mandate. Whoa! How many people listening to the debate suddenly felt a padlock opening in their mind? You can hear the tumblers clicking. "Wait a minute! He's got a point!" And we know that minds opening will eventually lead to libertarian thinking, right?
And the spiritual satisfaction that Ron Paul felt is the truest deepest kind of satisfaction, because in truth the libertarian position is a spiritual position.
Our spiritual guidance leads us individually to the greatest possible well-being. This includes at a minimum: (a) inspiring us with inventions and breakthroughs; (b) inspiring us with course corrections when we've drifted off base (i.e., teaching us lessons we need), (c) inspiring us to be in the right place at the right time to benefit ourselves and everyone; and (d) inspiring us to help others open spiritually so they can also hear their inner spiritual voice guiding them.
From the perspective of the human condition it can be said to be all about spiritual guidance vs. ego guidance. Spiritual guidance leads to the fullness of life; ego guidance leads ultimately to destruction and death.
This entire inspiration and spiritual guidance process works best (for example, inventions can be developed most easily, lessons can be learned most quickly, being in the right place at the right time is most facilitated, etc.) when we are free of political coercion, free of our political system trying to force us to do something different than our spiritual guidance would have us do. Maybe this can be summed up by a statement such as "Our spirit is free and wants us to live in a political system which reflects that freedom."
Quieting your intellect for a moment and listening to your spirit, you can ask inside if there is a need for government. And if the answer is "yes," then what purpose would that government serve and what would spiritually guided government look like?
The answer is something like this: In earth many individuals will be tempted to let their ego guide them rather than their spirit. So there is a chance they would initiate killing, destroying, fraud, etc. out of ego-vested interests. So as a reminder of spiritual laws, and as an infrastructure for response to such violations, the establishment of a government is spiritually guided.
Such reminder and response benefits every person, regardless of whether such persons support the government intellectually or financially ... much the same principle as when a church doesn't hesitate to help and benefit even those who do not support the church intellectually or financially. (Notice that a spiritually guided government is funded voluntarily.) The principle here can be summed up in the statement: "Although government reminds people what are rights violations and responds to apparent rights violations, the government does not force people to support it and therefore does not itself violate any one's rights."
Clearly a government which allows political liberty best serves one's spiritual guidance ... so it's not surprising that such a government allows a people to be "full of spirit," unlike in communist countries where people are said to be "spiritless," and in other kinds of socialist countries where people feel "spirit-drained."
Since Ron Paul's messages are in accordance with people's spiritual guidance, he is helping every pastor and priest, and every spiritual person whose support of the cause of liberty is so crucial, to remember that a spiritual government is in fact a Libertarian Government.
To understand the evil psychology of modern "liberal progressives," read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"
"God's laws will keep your minds at peace, because peace IS His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom, but yours are the laws of bondage. Since freedom and bondage are irreconcilable, their laws CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD TOGETHER. The laws of God work only for your good, and there ARE no other laws beside His. Everything else is merely lawLESS, and therefore chaotic." -Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles