The liberty movement desperately needs those who will stop what they are doing and take time to prepare themselves for real success ... for actually creating a world of liberty.
Far too many libertarians are like people brought into the ballpark off the street to comprise a baseball team. They are unprepared. They have neither the skills nor knowledge to create the world they want, so they spend their time flailing and fumbling, sabotaging the achievement of their true goals without even a clue as to why their efforts are doomed to failure. Worse than that, many think they know so much already that their arrogance renders them unteachable.
What if you want to be different ... and make a real difference? What if you want to do what it takes to absolutely guarantee your success in teaching a philosophy of liberty and creating liberty in the world?
Many say they want liberty, but how many really mean it?
If you are one who really means it, you will make yourself a student of Ayn Rand and Jesus Christ.
"But Jesus Christ and Ayn Rand are contradictory!"
Seems so when looking at surface appearances, doesn't it? But in truth, far below surface appearances there are extremely important ways in which Jesus Christ and Ayn Rand are non-contradictory and mutually complementary. Yet how many are willing to look deep enough to see non-contradiction? How many of Ayn Rand's fans are willing to, for example, spend a year studying A Course in Miracles, which is Jesus Christ's revelation for the 21st Century? And how many students of A Course in Miracles would spend a year reading and studying Atlas Shrugged?
Anyone who is not willing to spend an extended amount of time digging into the depths of these two world-changing books has no business making a judgment about their compatibility or efficacy, wouldn't you say? Wouldn't you agree that the height of intellectual dishonesty would be making judgments based on surface appearances, or based on what one imagines is being taught vs. a deep understanding derived from immersion in the teaching?
You cannot successfully teach freedom to the world until you are free of self-imprisonment. Ayn Rand correctly sensed this and endeavored to portray a man free of pain, fear, and guilt ... John Galt. But she was never able to articulate how one is made free of pain, fear, or guilt. Neither was Rand ever able to explain the psychological dynamic which tempts one to allow such self-imprisonment. A Course in Miracles is the "how to" and explanation manual.
This is John Galt speaking:
"Who, then, fears healing? Only those to whom their brother's sacrifice and pain is seen to represent their own serenity. Their helplessness and weakness represent grounds on which they justify his pain. The constant sting of guilt he suffers serves to prove that he is slave, and they are free. The constant pain THEY suffer demonstrates that they are free BECAUSE they hold him bound. And sickness is desired to prevent a shift of balance in the sacrifice.
"There is NO compromise that you can make with guilt, and escape from the pain which ONLY guiltlessness allays. Whenever the pain of guilt seems to ATTRACT you, remember that, if you yield to it, you are deciding AGAINST your happiness, and will NOT learn how to be happy."
Actually those were the words of Jesus Christ. But they could have been John Galt's words. They are the words of one who knows how to be free of pain, fear, and guilt.
This is Jesus speaking (or is it John Galt?):
"Like all that stems from reason, the basic question is obvious, simple, and remains unasked. But think not reason could not answer it. Your path to liberation cannot be established without your will and your consent. Such would your reason tell you, if you listened. Yet if it must be so, it must exist. And, if it exists for you, and has your freedom as the purpose given it, you must be free to FIND it."
Jesus explains what John Galt perhaps would have explained in a sequel to Atlas Shrugged, what Ayn Rand obviously knew but never portrayed as fully as she might have liked: since we teach what we are ... to TEACH freedom we must BE freedom ... in every sense of the word.
Anyway, here's our guarantee: If you are willing to grasp the deep and profound lessons of these two gifts to mankind, Atlas Shrugged and A Course in Miracles... cannot fail to create a world of liberty!
To understand the evil psychology of modern "liberal progressives," read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"
"God's laws will keep your minds at peace, because peace IS His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom, but yours are the laws of bondage. Since freedom and bondage are irreconcilable, their laws CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD TOGETHER. The laws of God work only for your good, and there ARE no other laws beside His. Everything else is merely lawLESS, and therefore chaotic." -Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles
ayn rand
jesus christ
a course in miracles
mormon patriotism
alex jones
obama fascism
Sarah Palin
Mitt Romney
Tea Party Movement
Far too many libertarians are like people brought into the ballpark off the street to comprise a baseball team. They are unprepared. They have neither the skills nor knowledge to create the world they want, so they spend their time flailing and fumbling, sabotaging the achievement of their true goals without even a clue as to why their efforts are doomed to failure. Worse than that, many think they know so much already that their arrogance renders them unteachable.
What if you want to be different ... and make a real difference? What if you want to do what it takes to absolutely guarantee your success in teaching a philosophy of liberty and creating liberty in the world?
Many say they want liberty, but how many really mean it?
If you are one who really means it, you will make yourself a student of Ayn Rand and Jesus Christ.
"But Jesus Christ and Ayn Rand are contradictory!"
Seems so when looking at surface appearances, doesn't it? But in truth, far below surface appearances there are extremely important ways in which Jesus Christ and Ayn Rand are non-contradictory and mutually complementary. Yet how many are willing to look deep enough to see non-contradiction? How many of Ayn Rand's fans are willing to, for example, spend a year studying A Course in Miracles, which is Jesus Christ's revelation for the 21st Century? And how many students of A Course in Miracles would spend a year reading and studying Atlas Shrugged?
Anyone who is not willing to spend an extended amount of time digging into the depths of these two world-changing books has no business making a judgment about their compatibility or efficacy, wouldn't you say? Wouldn't you agree that the height of intellectual dishonesty would be making judgments based on surface appearances, or based on what one imagines is being taught vs. a deep understanding derived from immersion in the teaching?
You cannot successfully teach freedom to the world until you are free of self-imprisonment. Ayn Rand correctly sensed this and endeavored to portray a man free of pain, fear, and guilt ... John Galt. But she was never able to articulate how one is made free of pain, fear, or guilt. Neither was Rand ever able to explain the psychological dynamic which tempts one to allow such self-imprisonment. A Course in Miracles is the "how to" and explanation manual.
This is John Galt speaking:
"Who, then, fears healing? Only those to whom their brother's sacrifice and pain is seen to represent their own serenity. Their helplessness and weakness represent grounds on which they justify his pain. The constant sting of guilt he suffers serves to prove that he is slave, and they are free. The constant pain THEY suffer demonstrates that they are free BECAUSE they hold him bound. And sickness is desired to prevent a shift of balance in the sacrifice.
"There is NO compromise that you can make with guilt, and escape from the pain which ONLY guiltlessness allays. Whenever the pain of guilt seems to ATTRACT you, remember that, if you yield to it, you are deciding AGAINST your happiness, and will NOT learn how to be happy."
Actually those were the words of Jesus Christ. But they could have been John Galt's words. They are the words of one who knows how to be free of pain, fear, and guilt.
This is Jesus speaking (or is it John Galt?):
"Like all that stems from reason, the basic question is obvious, simple, and remains unasked. But think not reason could not answer it. Your path to liberation cannot be established without your will and your consent. Such would your reason tell you, if you listened. Yet if it must be so, it must exist. And, if it exists for you, and has your freedom as the purpose given it, you must be free to FIND it."
Jesus explains what John Galt perhaps would have explained in a sequel to Atlas Shrugged, what Ayn Rand obviously knew but never portrayed as fully as she might have liked: since we teach what we are ... to TEACH freedom we must BE freedom ... in every sense of the word.
Anyway, here's our guarantee: If you are willing to grasp the deep and profound lessons of these two gifts to mankind, Atlas Shrugged and A Course in Miracles...
To understand the evil psychology of modern "liberal progressives," read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"
"God's laws will keep your minds at peace, because peace IS His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom, but yours are the laws of bondage. Since freedom and bondage are irreconcilable, their laws CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD TOGETHER. The laws of God work only for your good, and there ARE no other laws beside His. Everything else is merely lawLESS, and therefore chaotic." -Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles