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Making YOUR State a Free State

The human race is evolving and will surely someday be able to live in peace and brotherly love and mutual joy without what we think of as "government." Some would say that at this stage of our evolution it is governments that are the destroyers of joy and peace and brotherly love. Yet most people, maybe a high 90 percentile of all people, still believe governments can somehow be made good, while anarchy is invariably bad.

So a freedom zealot is only engaging in self-sabotage by advertising his goal as anarchy. For now, it is better to work to install a system of governance which at least is totally voluntary and has no ability to force man-made programs on people.

Let’s suppose a few brave individuals joined their efforts and created a new constitution to market to people for adoption in their state. And let’s suppose this constitution changed the complexion of governance in their state so that there would be no more taxation, no more man-made laws which offer the illusion of serving the public good but actually violate the rights of a portion of the public, and no more mechanisms for one group to gain power and abuse power by forcing their Utopian ideas on others. Can we make guesses as to what might be in such a constitution?

(An important part of this Constitution would be an exposition of natural law and a clear statement specifying that the only function of governance is to respond to and adjudicate and/or arbitrate apparent violations of the natural laws specified in this Constitution. These laws are so fundamental to successful life in society that no person can opt out by claiming he or she has not agreed to these natural laws.)

Governance will apply only to the natural laws specifically listed in this constitution. This governance structure is forbidden to make any new laws not herein specified. (The list would include, for example, laws prohibiting murder, theft, fraud, assault … basic laws aimed at protection from harm to any individual’s life, body, or property … a minimum requirement for peaceful society.)

All funding is voluntary. Those who donate money do so with the understanding that, as with church donations, many people may benefit from the governance which their donations help to fund, but nobody is forced to pay. It is specifically stated in this constitution that everyone does not have to pay their fair share.

Each branch of governance must operate with separate voluntary funding and separate income and expense accounting disclosed to the public on a monthly basis. All funding must be via general voluntary donations to the specific branch of governance or by voluntary payment of suggested fees for services rendered.

Taxation is expressly forbidden. No branch of governance may in any way force a person to pay for any program or service. In this system of governance there are no elections. People vote by supporting or not supporting the branches of governance with their voluntary donations. The branches of governance each have an incentive to remain efficient and uncorrupted so as not to lose their support in voluntary donations.

Executive Branch
(This branch of governance maintains an infrastructure for responding to apparent violations of the natural laws specified herein, and constitutes the “teeth” in these laws. Basically this branch operates police and security functions. Recruits are hired based on outstanding achievement in police academies. Leaders are chosen from those with outstanding service records.)

Judicial Branch
(This branch of governance provides an infrastructure for arbitration of disputes and adjudication of violations of the natural laws listed in this constitution. Arbiters are hired based on outstanding achievement in arbitration school. Judges are picked from those arbiters who have a substantial record of highly praised arbitration outcomes.)

Monitoring Branch
(This branch of governance monitors and audits the other two branches as a “watchdog” against corruption and abuse of power. Monitors and auditors are hired based on outstanding achievement in monitoring and auditing school.)


Of course such a constitution would have to be "fleshed out" with many more details and even more safeguards. But this form of governance does eliminate the three biggest problems with old forms of governance, legislatures, elections, and taxation; and because this form of governance offers safeguards against corruption and the abuse of power, with exceptionally good marketing this form of governance can be made to appeal to the general public and can be successfully sold in your state.

To understand the insane psychology of modern "liberal progressives," read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged."

"God's laws will keep your minds at peace, because peace IS His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom, but yours are the laws of bondage. Since freedom and bondage are irreconcilable, their laws CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD TOGETHER. The laws of God work only for your good, and there ARE no other laws beside His. Everything else is merely lawLESS, and therefore chaotic." -Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles

"I think of myself as a freedom zealot."


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