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Traits of True Teachers of Liberty: #7 Open-Mindedness

Liberal-progressives feel the need to prove to themselves they are open-minded by championing diversity and ever new Utopian schemes. However, their feeling that they need to resort to government dictatorship to attempt to create their Utopia shows they are not really open-minded at all. Honestly open-minded men and women trust that if something is truly of value it will evolve in it's own way and time, and does not need to be forced into existence by government.

American conservatives are far more trusting of the natural evolution of mankind's thinking and circumstances. They feel no need to force into existence new conditions or new lifestyles, and are usually open to new ways of seeing unless.... Unless what? Unless the new thinking contradicts age-old "wisdom?" Unless the new perception is pointing out how the U.S. Constitution, even if influenced by God, was put together by men of flawed understanding?

Libertarians, however, enjoy a glowing opportunity. Libertarians have freed themselves from the need to force their values on others; and because they are willing to consider the possibility that age-old "wisdom" could possibly be incorrect, and are willing to consider that the U.S. Constitution could be improved; their minds are not constricted in the ways liberal-progressive and conservative minds are constricted. At least in these respects, the door to true open-mindedness is open to them.

But not all libertarians take advantage of this golden opportunity. Remember, ego's goal is to sabotage whatever is of value. Ego offers strong and constantly renewed temptation to close one's mind in some way or another. This series of articles has already discussed "puritan" libertarians who use their intellectually derived conception of purity to slam shut their minds when viewing imperfect candidates who in reality could actually further the progress of liberty. "Give me liberty!" is a sentiment arising from our spirit, which is free. The add-on "or give me death!" is ego's insertion.

Truly open minds do not say, "I'll take death if I can't have what I want," or some basically equivalent statement like, "I'll take political failure before I'll accept the lesser of two evils." Truly open minds actually understand that in reality they don't know everything, and in reality any judgment they make using limited perception and intellectual reasoning based on such narrow perception is more likely to be wrong than right.

How then are political decisions to be made?

When faced with a decision, a truly open mind immediately lets go of all past learning and preconceived ideas. A truly open mind looks at each situation with the attitude "I have no idea what is going on beneath surface appearances, and therefore I cannot judge what is in my own best interest. So I'm open to being taught."

But who then is the teacher?

Remember, it is our deep inner spirit having us proclaim "Give me liberty!" So why not listen to our deep inner spirit regarding how liberty is to be achieved? Why not forgo the unreliability of intellectual guesswork and ego-satisfaction, and listen inside to the voice of reason rising from the depths of our being?

Recall the old adage: "Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind." Every moment we are teaching what we are experiencing inside. To truly teach freedom, men and women's minds must be free of the bondage of ego thoughts. A closed mind is self-imprisoned and unconsciously teaches servitude. An open mind is free and intentionally or not ... teaches liberty.

(Thank you for serving liberty! To be alerted when articles are published here, access Our Libertarian Spirit Facebook Page)

To fully grasp how insane the psychology of modern "liberal progressives" really is, read Ayn Rand's novel "Atlas Shrugged."

"God's laws will keep your minds at peace, because peace IS His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom, but yours are the laws of bondage. Since freedom and bondage are irreconcilable, their laws CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD TOGETHER. The laws of God work only for your good, and there ARE no other laws beside His. Everything else is merely lawLESS, and therefore chaotic." -Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles

"I think of myself as a freedom zealot."


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