"The Holy Spirit has the task of UNDOING what the ego has made. It must undo it in the same realm of discourse in which the ego itself operates, or the mind would be unable to understand the change." -A Course in Miracles Ron Paul may have substantial support in the ultimate Louisiana GOP delegation. Uncommitted delegates who lead the slate are committed to not supporting McCain. Ron Paul was next in line. Despite the establishment media's mantra that Republicans will very soon be down to a three man race: McCain, Romney and Giuliani ... Ron Paul even before Louisiana had 4 times as many delegates as Giuliani. (Actually, Real Clear Politics has reported that Giuliani has only one delegate so far, while Ron Paul has 4. Of course the accuracy of this count is not real clear, since The Green Papers shows Ron Paul with 8 delegates and Giuliani with zero.) However many delegates he has, Ron Paul is happy because his message is being heard and money keeps rolling in so he can ...