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Showing posts from April, 2008

Free FLDS Children Suffering from State of Texas Persecution

Blatant violation of Constitution in Texas FLDS case ignored by Fox News, Drudge Report, and mainstream media. William B. Travis did not fight at the Alamo to help bring about the State of Travesty . The news media is deafening in their complacency. Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly and CNN actively fan the religious hatred. Those wishing to obtain objective and truthful information must rely on an Internet site: Click here to read FreeTheFLDSChildren "As long as one of these little ones is not free, I am not free." See the truth for yourself in the below video: Happy FLDS kids before the government raid " Free the Innocent FLDS" Petition Target:Texas CPS, Governor, and Judges Sponsored by: Connor Boyack We, the undersigned, urge Texan authorities to free the innocent women, children, and other members of the Fundamentalist LDS Church who are currently being detained. We demand that the Constitutional rights of the innocent be preserved, and that due process be ...

Texas Gov. Perry Responsible For Suffering of Captive FLDS Children

Blatant violation of Constitution in Texas FLDS case ignored by Fox News, Drudge Report, and mainstream media. William B. Travis did not fight at the Alamo to help bring about the State of Travesty . The news media is deafening in their complacency. Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly fan the fire. Christians have no choice but to turn to a Mormon News blog to obtain objective information. Click here to read Messenger and Advocate See the truth for yourself in the below video: Happy FLDS kids before the government raid " Free the Innocent FLDS" Petition Target:Texas CPS, Governor, and Judges Sponsored by: Connor Boyack We, the undersigned, urge Texan authorities to free the innocent women, children, and other members of the Fundamentalist LDS Church who are currently being detained. We demand that the Constitutional rights of the innocent be preserved, and that due process be served. As individuals are innocent until proven guilty, we call upon the Texas Governor to interve...

Bill O'Reilly Okay With Texas Police State?

"This whole situation is abusive and out of hand," said Merril Jessop, a presiding elder in the FLDS Church. "The nearest thing I have ever seen comparable to this, even on the TV shows, is Nazi Germany." (Read entire article from Deseret News [Mormon Newspaper]: First Look Inside YFZ Ranch ) Bill O'Reilly says it seems fishy and he will investigate. Yet he seems to do nothing while his program presents only the official propaganda line from the State of Texas. Sean Hannity exceeds even Dan Rather's malice on Sunday night's "Hannity's America," interviewing only a vengeful ex-member and outside "experts" who know nothing yet gleefully support the Gestapo. Fox News coverage is not even "Fair and Balanced," nevermind objective. Over 500 people have commented to the above story in the Deseret News, and the flavor of the comments seem to indicate even conservative Mormons (4th largest U.S. religion) are awakening to the fac...

Is Grover Norquist Starting To Feel Libertarian Impulses?

For all their promises, there's one thing Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama absolutely will never do: leave us alone . They will not let us sink or swim by our own choices. They want to protect us from our faulty decisions so we will never learn our lessons, and others will never learn from watching our struggles. They want government to turn us into house pets who have lost all natural survival skills. Grover Norquist says "No!" to such nonsense. In his book "Leave Us Alone," Norquist points out that while there may be some Americans mesmerized by the Democratic Party's fantasy of government making life easy, there is still a large majority of Americans who want government to leave them alone to make life their own way. Norquist sees a revolution coming, but not the insane kind of "change" fancied by leftists. He chronicles a huge coalition of Americans who want to keep their money, keep their guns, keep their children, and keep their freedom to m...

Libertarian Election Strategy Memo #1

Strategic Timing When it comes to winning elections, Libertarian Party candidates are often their own worst enemies. Pursuing contradictory goals is like fighting against oneself and the goal of using an election campaign to educate the public produces very different results than the goal of winning the election with integrity with respect to one's principles. Focusing first and foremost on using an election to educate the public can only lead to very small vote totals and eventual discouragement of many libertarians who get tired of being associated with the party of low vote totals. Libertarian Party candidates often end up with a very small percentage of the vote not because they stick to principle and always measure each policy position against principle. But because they insist on offering a "package deal", so to speak, which voters are not ready for. Idealism in the form of "package-dealism". In election after election, it has been shown that political suc...