Can a former GOP congressman, student of Ron Paul, lead the American people back to the dream of liberty? Bob Barr, the "fighting congressman" from Georgia, has evolved into a thorough libertarian and will be fighting for the liberty of all Americans as standard bearer for the Libertarian Party. Asked who his favorite philosopher has been, Barr answered unequivocally, "Ayn Rand." So his inspiration comes from the right place, because no philosopher has ever illustrated the evil of big government socialism like Ayn Rand. But Congressman Barr is not into self-sabotage like so many libertarians have been for so long. He wants libertarians to win elections, and he knows you do not have to compromise principles to win, but simply be intelligent about how you campaign. He has won elections in the past, he knows how to run a winning campaign, and he believes himself to be a winner. Finally, Bob Barr is a well-know name among Goldwater conservatives who are thoroughly disgu...