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Showing posts from May, 2008

Is Bob Barr Helping Libertarian Party Come of Age?

Can a former GOP congressman, student of Ron Paul, lead the American people back to the dream of liberty? Bob Barr, the "fighting congressman" from Georgia, has evolved into a thorough libertarian and will be fighting for the liberty of all Americans as standard bearer for the Libertarian Party. Asked who his favorite philosopher has been, Barr answered unequivocally, "Ayn Rand." So his inspiration comes from the right place, because no philosopher has ever illustrated the evil of big government socialism like Ayn Rand. But Congressman Barr is not into self-sabotage like so many libertarians have been for so long. He wants libertarians to win elections, and he knows you do not have to compromise principles to win, but simply be intelligent about how you campaign. He has won elections in the past, he knows how to run a winning campaign, and he believes himself to be a winner. Finally, Bob Barr is a well-know name among Goldwater conservatives who are thoroughly disgu...

Will Bob Barr Show Conservatives Libertarian Party Is Worth Supporting?

Can a former GOP congressman, student of Ron Paul, lead the American people back to the dream of liberty? Bob Barr, the "fighting congressman" from Georgia, has evolved into a thorough libertarian and will be fighting for the liberty of all Americans as standard bearer for the Libertarian Party. Asked who his favorite philosopher has been, Barr answered unequivocally, "Ayn Rand." So his inspiration comes from the right place, because no philosopher has ever illustrated the evil of big government socialism like Ayn Rand. But Congressman Barr is not into self-sabotage like so many libertarians have been for so long. He wants libertarians to win elections, and he knows you do not have to compromise principles to win, but simply be intelligent about how you campaign. He has won elections in the past, he knows how to run a winning campaign, and he believes himself to be a winner. Finally, Bob Barr is a well-know name among Goldwater conservatives who are thoroughly disgu...

Bob Barr Quiets Doubts At Libertarian Convention

Former Libertarian GOP congressman shows LP convention delegates he's a fighter. With the exception of one debate question having to do with the price of oil or gasoline, and an underlying "disgusted with government" sentiment, not much in the presidential debate at the Libertarian convention last night spoke to the vast majority of American people. The questions mostly addressed libertarian "purity." Of course we perceive what we want to perceive, but here are some impressions: The seemingly most "unpure" libertarian on the stage was former Democratic Senator Mike Gravel, who seemed to think that merely calling himself a libertarian and voicing old socialistic antagonisms against the military-industrial complex would be enough to win delegate's hearts. The soul of a true libertarian clearly wasn't present in this old senate worshipper. Wayne Allyn Root seemed like a over-eager Donald Trump apprentice. He certainly "had the power" in ...

Could A Libertarian Party Which Accommodates Conservatives Win It All?

With John McCain running as a Democratic Party prisoner of war, there is no Republican presidential candidate. This leaves an opening for the Libertarian Party. About 20 percent of American voters perceive themselves to be politically "liberal," and about 40 percent perceive themselves to be "conservative." With McCain and Obama dividing the liberal vote, there are enormous opportunities this year for libertarian candidates who emphasize values that heretofore have been called "conservative:" patriotism, optimism, and common sense . Consider the winning political campaigns and the winning political party Ronald Reagan built. What did Ronald Reagan's Republicanism stand for in the eyes of the voting public? He was seen as the quintessential patriot. Barack Obama's drop in polls every time he is perceived as weak in patriotism proves you cannot win an American election by bad-mouthing America. Reagan also constantly radiated optimism. Americans will ...

Can Libertarian Party Learn to Make a Real Difference?

Does Mary Ruwart have it right? Yes and No! In an article on "Third Party Watch," Dr. Mary Ruwart argues the Libertarian Party would be wise to refrain from nominating a presidential candidate who has not thoroughly done his or her liberty homework and therefore doesn't really believe in liberty. Most libertarians would agree. But let's look deeper. As her leading example, Dr. Ruwart argues that she would not like to see an LP candidate back off the LP's historic stance against the War on Drugs, and she proceeds to lay out all the logical reasons why the LP's stance against the War on Drugs is pure libertarianism. Unfortunately, she misses the most important point of all: loudly campaigning against the War on Drugs guarantees electoral defeat, because the vast majority of voters, mistaken or not, equate the War on Drugs with good. Almost everyone these days knows somebody whose life, or family's lives, or friend's lives have gone through almost unendu...

Libertarians Smell Religious Persecution in Unconstitutional Texas FLDS Raid

Did Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff's office first call Texas? Or did Texas first call his office? Who initiated the religious persecution? Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff testified in Texas legislative committee hearings in support of the proposed changes, which were intended to help Texas authorities address new found problems stemming from the FLDS compound and its inhabitants' way of life. "Our marriage laws needed to be updated anyway," hilderbran said. "Moving from 14 to 16 was a no-brainer for parental consent. It would have the least amount of push-back." Hilderbran said Texas had enough authority under the criminal laws already on the books for statutory rape and sexual assault of minors to justify its raid and believes those provisions "really boxes them in." To read entire news article go to Deseret News Archives: This won't be "another Short Creek." At Short Creek, captured children were allowed to return to the...

Utah Will Vote Against Texas; Heads Will Roll Over FLDS Captive Children

Utah freedom lovers are up in arms over reigning socialism in Texas! It's about the children. Utahans cannot stand to see families broken up. When children are involved they can no longer turn the other way and ignore injustice. They feel the disorientation, confusion, and pain of children being sent off to foster care and State schools. Texas made a big mistake kidnapping over 430 FLDS children and holding them captive. Utahans are furious. There is talk of boycotting Texas. Utahans are waking up from socialist-induced political slumber and asking fundamental questions that have too long gone unasked: How dare the State of Texas decide who can be married and who cannot be married? What business is it of Texas lawmakers or judges or social workers who gets married? How dare the State of Texas decide what lifestyle is good for children and what lifestyle is not good? Texas judges and social workers and lawmakers do not own the children of Texas parents. How dare the State of Texa...